Laser Vision Correction Surgeries

LASIK results

 What to Expect

Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) has helped millions of people around the world reduce their dependence on glasses or contact lenses. It is, however, an elective surgical procedure with some serious associated risks. And most importantly, it is an elective surgical procedure performed on an otherwise healthy eye in the presence of safe and effective nonsurgical alternatives – that is, glasses and contact lenses.

As someone who may be interested in receiving LASIK, you understandably want to know what to expect.

It’s difficult, however, to say conclusively what your outcome may be because there are so many variables involved such as the degree and type of vision correction you need, and the experience of your eye surgeon.

Everyone who receives LASIK is exposed to some degree of risk. LASIK is associated with a slight risk of both short- and long-term complications. Although most of these respond well to treatment, and thus eventually cease to be complications, some are less easily handled and, very rarely, can cause permanent problems.

According to guidelines released by the Eye Surgery Education Council (ESEC), fewer than 1 percent of patients who have received LASIK to date have experienced serious, vision-threatening problems. Most LASIK complications can be treated and usually resolve within several months of surgery, the ESEC said.

Among the more serious, vision-threatening complications are infection and LASIK flap problems. The incidence of less-serious complications, such as haze, halos, and glare, is variably reported at up to 5 percent. Studies consistently show that LASIK complications decline as surgeon experience increases. So you definitely can increase your chance of a good outcome by making sure you choose an experienced surgeon.

 LASIK Advantages

Quick visual recovery
Quick comfort recovery
Rapid return to function: work, driving, and recreation.
Work recovery postoperative Day 1
Driving recovery Day 1
Recreation recovery Day 1 (light activities, jogging, walking, golf)
Psychological recovery also quicker
Follow-up more convenient
VA results excellent
Re-treatment easier
No haze, no need for mitomycin
No re-epithelization (typically)

LASIK Disadvantages

Post-LASIK dry eye (neurotropic keratitis)2
Post-intra LASIK delayed photophobia
Interface keratitis
Flap complications: buttonholes, partial flaps,etc.
Long-term neurotrophic and stromal morphology questions
Stromal apoptosis: Does it affect corneal health long term?
Ectasia (rare)%0.66
Requires normal orbital palpebral fissures and anatomy

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